
AYSCBC produces and distributes e-newsletters throughout the year for the purpose of sharing information about important events, projects, and other items that are relevant to our Members and others involved with Yukon education.

Sign-up for our "email newsletter" and receive updates on our services, resources as well as important news announcements. All members of Yukon School Councils that we have email addresses for are automatically subscribed.  


*AYSCBC Privacy Protection Policy Statement

The Association of Yukon School Councils, Boards & Committees (AYSCBC) is committed to protecting the privacy of its Members, directors, staff and any other persons from whom AYSCBC collects personal information.

Personal information collected by AYSCBC will be limited to information that is needed for providing services to our clients and will be used only for the purposes for which it is collected. Personal information will be disposed of in a safe and timely manner when no longer required.

AYSCBC is committed to safeguarding the personal information entrusted to us by our clients and our staff. No personal information will be sold, rented, leased or otherwise made available to any person or organization.

Approved January 23, 2014