Beginning in 2004, and in each election year since, AYSCBC has prepared an Exit Survey and invited those School Council members who did not put their names forward for the next election, to provide feedback and comments on a number of items relevant to the work of Councils.  
The purpose of the survey has been to:
--provide an opportunity for School Council members to raise important issues;
--provide an avenue for School Council members to have a voice for frustrations, provide constructive
         suggestions and comment on things that did work;It does provide useful information for those o
--identify areas needing support and change for School Council members.

The summary of input does not identify individuals or schools.  It does provide useful information for those on School Councils as well as those working with those bodies.

NOTE:  While a survey was sent out to non-returning members after the May 2014 School Council election, no responses were received.  It is possible that this was due to the change in legislation that had those members continuing in their role until the day before the 2014-15 school year started--hence they were not 'exiting' when the election took place.   

Summary of Input on Exit Survey conducted in 2012

Summary of Input on Exit Surveys conducted in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010