The Association of Yukon School Councils, Boards & Committees (AYSCBC) is a non-profit Member driven organization that provides support to School Council, Board and Committee elected officials. We believe in the ability of strong, well-informed, locally elected parent/community organizations to strive for improved student learning.

The Association benefits both its Member organizations and those with whom they work and interact.

Through the AYSCBC, local school energy and efforts can be backed up with regional and Yukon wide efforts which when combined, can have more influence on decisions on educational matters that affect ALL students.

The Association provides a conduit through which information can easily flow from one source. When a parent/community perspective is needed on an issue, AYSCBC can serve as the ‘hub’ for gathering and forwarding input.

AYSCBC is incorporated under the Societies Act and registered with Yukon Corporate Affairs.

Funding for the operation of AYSCBC is made available via an annual funding agreement with the Department of Education based on the AYSCBC Annual Workplan. The Workplan sets out the priorities, tasks, deliverables, costs and timelines for the association each year. The Workplan is shared with member school councils and is voted on by members during the AYSCBC Annual General Meeting. 


The purpose of the Association is to assist and provide support to school councils and school boards in fulfilling their mission which is to enhance student learning through the cooperative efforts of parents, students, educators, government and other members of the community. The Association will support its Members in fulfilling their mandate in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Education Act.

The activities undertaken by AYSCBC reflect 5 Guiding Principles:

1. Education must focus on what is best for student learning.

2.The Yukon education system belongs to, and is accountable to, all members of the community.

Parents and community members have a right to know how well their school is doing and what actions will be taken to improve student performance, to contribute to the school's development and improvement, and to be consulted about and receive feedback on decisions that affect their children and their school.

3. Parents are a valuable resource.

Parents know their children best. They are their children's first and most important teachers. They are also excellent sources of information about the local community, its resources, priorities, and needs.

4. Education in the Yukon is the joint responsibility of governments, educators, school councils / boards, parents, students and communities.

This relationship is essential given the need for consistent territory-wide standards and the diversity of Yukon’s communities.

5. First Nation, Catholic and Francophone Yukon people have additional constitutional, legislated and Charter rights that must be honoured.

History of AYSCBC

For many years, School Councils consistently raised issues around the need for better training and professional development, increased communication, more autonomy and equality as partners. The sole dependency on the department for information, training and other supports needed by School Councils limited their ability to be well informed and as effective as they would like to be when making decisions on behalf of students, parents and other community members. The need was identified for a member-driven association that could assist in meeting some of these needs.

Under section 121 of the Yukon Education Act, it states:

"School Boards and Councils may form and become members of an Association of School Boards and Councils and may make grants or payments to the association."

Such an association was formed by delegates giving their unanimous support to its creation during the Fall 1999 School Councils’ Conference.

In November 2000, it was officially named the Association of Yukon School Councils, Boards and Committees (AYSCBC) with the Constitution and Bylaws being passed by resolution. Amendments have been made to the Constitution and Bylaws through the years and several policies have been adopted.